GetJenny Blog


Written by Jenny | September 05, 2018

Chatbots and machine learning technologies are hurdling governmental agencies into the 21st century.

In most private industries, artificial intelligence technology is booming, however the public sector has yet to integrate AI en masse. This tide is changing with the advent of chatbots which allow ease of access to government inquiries and duties which are often standardized for every citizen.

Germany, Australia, USA, Canada and India, to name a few countries that have all begun the process of digitizing the day to day tasks of the government and employing chatbots to help regulate and manage the inquiries of citizens in an efficient and quick manner. For some of these agencies reports have listed a 50% drop in email inquiries, after the integration of chatbots into the agency websites. This large drop shows the demand in store for AI integration in the government and will alleviate the workload and serve 24/7 information centers when human operators may not be available.

The growing integration of chatbots into government agencies attempting to enter the digital era, shows the pervasiveness of AI technology in every facet of the world. The basic FAQ chatbot of today may soon be able to help citizens with everything from filing their taxes to applying for permits to regulating any number of governmental agencies as efficiently and seamlessly as possible.

If you would like to learn more about the use of AI and chatbots in industries,  please read our guide on AI and chatbots.