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22% of companies don't say what they do on their front page
If your audience doesn't know what you do, why should they invest their time or money in your company?

33% don't link a social media presence
Social media channels don't just give you extra credibility, they let potential customers engage with your business on their turf.
It’s not about being on Facebook or Twitter, it’s about being on a platform where your audience is, so you can talk to them.

The Nasdaq First North Market Scored And Ranked
Discover results that give you the edge in customer experience.
Nasdaq First North Growth Market Companies Studied
Data Points Collected and Analysed
Pages in-depth analysis on ambitious growth companies.
Packed With Insights and Tips to Improve Your Customer Experience
Learn the tools fast-growing companies use to stay in touch with their customers.
Wondering how to develop your customer experience in 2021?
Don't make it hard for visitors to contact you. Every personal contact is an opportunity for your company to grow and improve customer experience
Detailed insights on how people experience your website.
We examined publicly listed companies on data points that influence their Trustworthiness, Purpose, and Ease of Communication.
For example, we checked GDPR cookies compliance for all 363 companies. This indicates companies who know their minimum legal obligations to EU audiences and provide visitors with options to control their personal data.
Benchmark data to clarify your company's messaging and credibility.
How many companies listed on the Nasdaq First North Growth Market say what they do on their home page?
The first touchpoint for many visitors, yet 22% of companies studied don't clearly represent themselves or state what they do on their home page.
Compare with your Industry and the Top Twenty companies for Customer Experience.
Detailed analysis helps you benchmark your place in your industry and measure up to the Top Twenty companies for customer experience on the Nasdaq First North Growth Market.
In this example, how many tools does the average company use, and how many steps does it take a visitor to find the first one, compared to the Top Twenty average.
Discover More Customer Experience Insights and Tips in the Full 70 Page Report